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SB 9.8.4

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


ājñāyāsyai sapatnībhir
garo datto 'ndhasā saha
saha tenaiva sañjātaḥ
sagarākhyo mahā-yaśāḥ
sagaraś cakravarty āsīt
sāgaro yat-sutaiḥ kṛtaḥ


ājñāya—knowing (this); asyai—unto that pregnant queen; sapatnībhiḥ—by the co-wives of the wife of Bāhuka; garaḥ—poison; dattaḥ—was given; andhasā saha—with her food; saha tena—with that poison; eva—also; sañjātaḥ—was born; sagara-ākhyaḥ—by the name Sagara; mahā-yaśāḥ—having a great reputation; sagaraḥ—King Sagara; cakravartī—the emperor; āsīt—became; sāgaraḥ—the place known as Gaṅgāsāgara; yat-sutaiḥ—by the sons of whom; kṛtaḥ—was excavated.


Knowing that she was pregnant, the co-wives of the wife of Bāhuka conspired to give her poison with her food, but it did not act. Instead, the son was born along with the poison. Therefore he became famous as Sagara ["one who is born with poison"]. Sagara later became the emperor. The place known as Gaṅgāsāgara was excavated by his sons.

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