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SB 8.24.18

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


nāhaṁ kamaṇḍalāv asmin
kṛcchraṁ vastum ihotsahe
kalpayaukaḥ suvipulaṁ
yatrāhaṁ nivase sukham


na—not; aham—I; kamaṇḍalau—in this waterpot; asmin—in this; kṛcchram—with great difficulty; vastum—to live; iha—here; utsahe—like; kalpaya—just consider; okaḥ—residential place; su-vipulam—more expanded; yatra—wherein; aham—I; nivase—can live; sukham—in pleasure.


O My dear King, I do not like living in this waterpot with such great difficulty. Therefore, please find some better reservoir of water where I can live comfortably.

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