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SB 10.41.4

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda


śrī-akrūra uvāca
adbhutānīha yāvanti
bhūmau viyati vā jale
tvayi viśvātmake tāni
kiṁ me 'dṛṣṭaṁ vipaśyataḥ


śrī-akrūraḥ uvāca — Śrī Akrūra said; adbhutāni — wonderful things; iha — in this world; yāvanti — whatever; bhūmau — on the earth; viyati — in the sky; — or; jale — in the water; tvayi — in You; viśva-ātmake — who comprise everything; tāni — they; kim — what; me — by me; adṛṣṭam — not seen; vipaśyataḥ — seeing (You).

Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda


Śrī Akrūra said: Whatever wonderful things the earth, sky or water contain, all exist in You. Since You encompass everything, when I am seeing You, what have I not seen?

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