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SB 10.83.23

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


sajyaṁ kṛtvāpare vīrā
bhīmo duryodhanaḥ karṇo
nāvidaṁs tad-avasthitim


sajyam—strung; kṛtvā—making (the bow); apare—other; vīrāḥ—heroes; māgadha—the King of Magadha (Jarāsandha); ambaṣṭha—the King of Ambaṣṭha; cedi-pāḥ—the ruler of Cedi (Śiśupāla); bhīmaḥ duryodhanaḥ karṇaḥ—Bhīma, Duryodhana and Karṇa; na avidan—they could not find; tad—of it (the target); avasthitim—the location.


A few heroes—namely Jarāsandha, Śiśupāla, Bhīma, Duryodhana, Karṇa and the King of Ambaṣṭha—succeeded in stringing the bow, but none of them could find the target.


These kings were very strong physically, but they were not skillful enough to find the target.

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