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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


sei ta’ puruṣa ananta-brahmāṇḍa sṛjiyā
saba aṇḍe praveśilā bahu-mūrti hañā


sei—that; ta’—certainly; puruṣa—incarnation; ananta-brahmāṇḍa—innumerable universes; sṛjiyā—creating; saba—all; aṇḍe—in the egglike universes; praveśilā—entered; bahu-mūrti hañā—taking multifarious forms.


After creating millions of universes, the first puruṣa entered into each of them in a separate form, as Śrī Garbhodakaśāyī.