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CC Madhya 12.93

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


sūkṣma dhūli, tṛṇa, kāṅkara, saba karaha dūra
bhāla-mate śodhana karaha prabhura antaḥpura


sūkṣma dhūli—fine dust; tṛṇa—straw; kāṅkara—grains of sand; saba—all; karaha—do; dūra—away; bhāla-mate—very well; śodhana—cleansing; karaha—do; prabhura—of the Lord; antaḥpura—inside.


The Lord then ordered everyone to cleanse the inside of the temple very perfectly by taking finer dust, straws and grains of sand and throwing them outside.