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CC Madhya 2.55 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


tāhāṅ haite ghare āsi', māṭīra upare vasi',
nakhe kare pṛthivī likhana
hā-hā kāhāṅ vṛndāvana, kāhāṅ gopendra-nandana,
kāhāṅ sei vaṁśī-vadana


tāhāṅ haite—from there; ghare āsi'-coming back home; māṭīra—the ground; upare—upon; vasi'-sitting; nakhe—by the nails; kare—does; pṛthivī—on the surface of the earth; likhana—marking; hā-hā—alas; kāhāṅ—where is; vṛndāvana—Vṛndāvana; kāhāṅ—where; gopa-indra-nandana—the son of the King of the cowherd men; kāhāṅ—where; sei—that; vaṁśī-vadana—the person with the flute.


When coming from the Jagannātha temple to return to His house, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu used to sit on the ground and mark it with His nails. At such times He would be greatly morose and would cry, "Alas, where is Vṛndāvana? Where is Kṛṣṇa, the son of the King of the cowherd men? Where is that person who plays the flute?"