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CC Madhya 16.182 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 182

'hindu' haile pāitāma tomāra caraṇa-sannidhāna
vyartha mora ei deha, yāuka parāṇa"


hindu haile—if I was born in a Hindu family; pāitāma—I would have gotten; tomāra—of You; caraṇa—of the lotus feet; sannidhāna—proximity; vyartha—useless; mora—my; ei—this; deha—body; yāuka parāṇa—let me die immediately.


"If I had taken birth in a Hindu family, it would have been easy for me to remain near Your lotus feet. Since my body is now useless, let me die immediately."