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CC Madhya 1.164 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 164

yāhāṅ yāya prabhu, tāhāṅ koṭi-saṅkhya loka
dekhite āise, dekhi' khaṇḍe duḥkha-śoka


yāhāṅ—wherever; yāya—goes; prabhu—the Lord; tāhāṅ—everywhere; koṭi-saṅkhya loka—an unlimited number of people; dekhite āise—come to see Him; dekhi'-after seeing; khaṇḍe—removes; duḥkha—unhappiness; śoka—lamentation.


Wherever the Lord visited, crowds of innumerable people came to see Him. When they saw Him, all their unhappiness and lamentation disappeared.