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CC Antya 9.79 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


yadi vā tomāra tāre rākhite haya mana
āji ye rākhila, sei karibe rakṣaṇa"


yadi vā—if somehow or other; tomāra—of You; tāre—him; rākhite—to protect; haya—is; mana—mind; āji—today; ye—He who; rākhila—protected; sei—he; karibe rakṣaṇa—will give protection.


Finally Kāśī Miśra told the Lord, "If You want to give protection to Gopīnātha, then Lord Jagannātha, who protected him today, will also protect him in the future."