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CC Antya 18.82 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


tīre rahi' dekhi āmi sakhī-gaṇa-saṅge
eka-sakhī sakhī-gaṇe dekhāya sei raṅge


tīre—on the bank; rahi'-standing; dekhi—see; āmi—I; sakhī-gaṇa-saṅge—with the gopīs; eka-sakhī—one gopī; sakhī-gaṇe—to other gopīs; dekhāya—shows; sei raṅge—that pastime.


"I saw this pastime as I stood on the bank of the Yamunā in the company of the gopīs. One gopī was showing some other gopīs the pastimes of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa in the water.