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CC Antya 16.32 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


sei dhūli lañā kālidāsa sarvāṅge lepilā
tāṅra nikaṭa eka-sthāne lukāñā rahilā


sei dhūli—that dust; lañā—taking; kālidāsa—Kālidāsa; sarva-aṅge—all over his body; lepilā—smeared; tāṅra nikaṭa—near his place; eka-sthāne—in one place; lukāñā rahilā—remained hidden.


Kālidāsa smeared the dust from those footprints all over his body. Then he hid in a place near Jhaḍu Ṭhākura's home.