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CC Antya 16.148 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 148

nijāṅkure pulakita, puṣpe hāsya vikasita,
madhu-miṣe vahe aśru-dhāra
veṇure māni' nija-jāti, āryera yena putra-nāti,
'vaiṣṇava' haile ānanda-vikāra


nija-aṅkure—by their buds; pulakita—jubilant; puṣpe—by flowers; hāsya—smiling; vikasita—exhibited; madhu-miṣe—by the oozing of honey; vahe—flows; aśru-dhāra—showers of tears; veṇure—the flute; māni'-accepting; nija-jāti—as belonging to the same family; āryera—of forefathers; yena—as if; putra-nāti—son or grandson; vaiṣṇava—a Vaiṣṇava; haile—when becomes; ānanda-vikāra—transformation of transcendental bliss.


"The trees on the bank of the Yamunā and Ganges are always jubilant. They appear to be smiling with their flowers and shedding tears in the form of flowing honey. Just as the forefathers of a Vaiṣṇava son or grandson feel transcendental bliss, the trees feel blissful because the flute is a member of their family.'