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CC Adi 3.82 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


upa-purāṇeha śuni śrī-kṛṣṇa-vacana
kṛpā kari vyāsa prati kariyāchena kathana


upa-purāṇeha—in the Upapurāṇas; śuni—we hear; śrī-kṛṣṇa-vacana—the words of Lord Kṛṣṇa; kṛpā kari—having mercy; vyāsa prati—toward Vyāsadeva; kariyāchena—He did; kathana—speaking.


In the Upapurāṇas we hear Śrī Kṛṣṇa showing His mercy to Vyāsadeva by speaking to him as follows.