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CC Adi 3.59 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


pratyakṣa tāṅhāra tapta-kāñcanera dyuti
yāṅhāra chaṭāya nāśe ajñāna-tamastati


pratyakṣa—vivid; tāṅhāra—of Him; tapta—molten; kāñcanera—of gold; dyuti—effulgence; yāṅhāra—of whom; chaṭāya—by the luster; nāśe—destroys; ajñāna—of ignorance; tamastati—the extent of the darkness.


One can vividly see His glowing complexion of molten gold, which dispels the darkness of ignorance.