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CC Adi 16.58 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


anuvādam anuktvaiva
na vidheyam udīrayet
na hy alabdhāspadaṁ kiñcit
kutracit pratitiṣṭhati


anuvādam—things already known; anuktvā—without mentioning; eva—certainly; na—not; vidheyam—unknown subject matters; udīrayet—one should mention; na—not; hi—certainly; alabdha-āspadam—without having achieved a proper place; kiñcit—something; kutracit—anywhere; pratitiṣṭhati—has a position.


" 'Without first mentioning what is known, one should not introduce the unknown, for that which has no solid basis can never be established anywhere.'


This is a verse from the Ekādaśī-tattva.