671208 - Letter to Mukunda from Ramanuja

8 December, 1967
From Ramanuja
My dearest Mukunda,
Please accept my obeisances. As you now know, Swamiji will be returning soon to you. I am sorry to inform you, however, that Swamiji’s health has not fully returned and in fact He has suffered somewhat of a setback in this respect in the last few days. He is not sleeping well and has headaches. Achutananda and myself have advised him to go on the condition that you do not put Him to work. Swamiji then said that He would be a burden to you all and I answered that all your burdens should be similar. So He has accepted our proposal. You must severely limit visitors, definitely no lectures until he is more fully recovered and of course He must have somebody serving Him all the time. The massages should not be too hard. Swamiji likes them hard and He will try to get the masseuse to rub hard by all kinds of tricks. He will order roughly or He will ask nicely but on no account should give in to such pleas. I know it will be difficult to this as He is very wyly. He must have complete rest, talking is very exhausting for Him so guests must not stay too long, if there is someone there for Him to talk to He will talk too much and then complain of strain. Please try to tactfully restrain His visitors and His Divine Grace.
Ramanuja das