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CC Madhya 8.175 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Below is the 1996 edition text, ready to be substituted with the 1975 one using the compile form.

TEXT 175

guṇa-śreṇī-puṣpamālā sarvāṅge pūrita


kila-kiñcita-ādi—headed by kila-kiñcita; bhāva—with the ecstasies; viṁśati—twenty; bhūṣita—decorated; guṇa-śreṇī—of Her attractive qualities; puṣpa-mālā—as a garland of flowers; sarva-aṅge—all over the body; pūrita—filled.


“Also ornamenting Her body are the twenty kinds of ecstatic symptoms beginning with kila-kiñcita. Her transcendental qualities constitute the flower garland hanging in fullness over Her body.


The twenty different moods headed by kila-kiñcita are described as follows. First, in connection with the body, there are bhāva (ecstasy), hāva (gestures) and helā (negligence); in relation to the self there are śobhā (beauty), kānti (luster), dīpti (brilliance), mādhurya (sweetness), pragalbhatā (impudence), audārya (magnanimity) and dhairya (patience); and in relation to nature there are līlā (pastimes), vilāsa (enjoyment), vicchitti (breaking off) and vibhrama (puzzlement). There are no English equivalents for the words kila-kiñcita, moṭṭāyita and kuṭṭamita.

Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī’s flower garland consists of Her qualities and is divided into mental, verbal and bodily parts. Her attitude of forgiveness and mercy is all mental. Her talks, which are very pleasing to the ear, are verbal. The bodily qualities are age, beauty, luster and grace.