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BG 18.41

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


ब्राह्मणक्षत्रियविशां शूद्राणां च परन्तप ।
कर्माणि प्रविभक्तानि स्वभावप्रभवैर्गुणैः ॥४१॥
śūdrāṇāṁ ca parantapa
karmāṇi pravibhaktāni
svabhāva-prabhavair guṇaiḥ


brāhmaṇa—of the brāhmaṇas; kṣatriya—the kṣatriyas; viśām—and the vaiśyas; śūdrāṇām—of the śūdras; ca—and; parantapa—O subduer of the enemies; karmāṇi—the activities; pravibhaktāni—are divided; svabhāva—their own nature; prabhavaiḥ—born of; guṇaiḥ—by the modes of material nature.


Brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras are distinguished by the qualities born of their own natures in accordance with the material modes, O chastiser of the enemy.