SB 9.8.2
- bharukas tat-sutas tasmād
- vṛkas tasyāpi bāhukaḥ
- so 'ribhir hṛta-bhū rājā
- sabhāryo vanam āviśat
bharukaḥ—by the name Bharuka; tat-sutaḥ—the son of Vijaya; tasmāt—from him (Bharuka); vṛkaḥ—by the name Vṛka; tasya—his; api—also; bāhukaḥ—by the name Bāhuka; saḥ—he, the King; aribhiḥ—by his enemies; hṛta-bhūḥ—his land having been taken away; rājā—the King (Bāhuka); sa-bhāryaḥ—with his wife; vanam—the forest; āviśat—entered.
The son of Vijaya was Bharuka, Bharuka's son was Vṛka, and Vṛka's son was Bāhuka. The enemies of King Bāhuka took away all his possessions, and therefore the King entered the order of vānaprastha and went to the forest with his wife.