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770206 - Letter to Parvati written from Calcutta

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Srimate Parvati devi dasi
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
P.O. Box 82224 Mombasa, Kenya AFRICA

3 Albert Road
Calcutta 17, INDIA

Dear Parvati,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of January 17, and noted the contents.

As I have already stated, if you are feeling inconvenience being the only woman devotee in Mombasa you may move. I have invited you to attend the Mayapur festival, but if you cannot wait then you can move at once to the Nairobi temple, or you may come to India and stay at Mayapur. Wherever we are our business is to serve Krishna, but you should situate yourself in a temple where you can discharge your duties without so much inconvenience.

Hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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