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770131 - Letter to Saurabha written from Bhuvanesvara

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Sriman Saurabha das Adhikary
Hare Krishna Land
Juhu Road, Juhu Bombay

Nayapalli, Bhubaneswara 12
Orissa, Dist. Puri

Dear Saurabha,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of January 28, 1977 and read the contents. The quality of the work in Bombay must not suffer. I understand that formerly they were rushing to get it done, but now the quality is improved. This is wanted. However, the completion date should not be delayed more than October. Everything should be finished then.

As for your invitation to help in construction projects in Bhubaneswara and Jagannath Puri, you have to help in every construction. But there is no hurry just now.

Hope this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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