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720630 - Morning Walk - San Diego

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Prabhupāda: ...the brain of Einstein.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Brain of who?

Devotee (1): Einstein?

Prabhupāda: Einstein.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Well, the way they're doing it is through the genetic, yes.

Prabhupāda: Whatever it may be, they are trying...

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Yes.

Prabhupāda: ...to make a xerox copy. So why not the original?

Devotee (1): What is that?

Prabhupāda: Explain to him.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Why not the original?

Prabhupāda: Yes. The scientists, they are trying to make a xerox copy of Professor Einstein. So why not the original? Hm? What is their answer?

Ātreya Ṛṣi: They cannot keep the original alive.

Prabhupāda: No, that's all right, but let them make one original.

Devotee (1): They can't even begin.

Prabhupāda: Hm?

Devotee (1): They can't even make a cell.

Prabhupāda: Then what is their credit?

Devotee (1): They have made a computer.

Prabhupāda: Hm?

Devotee (1): They have made a computer, but it takes a human being to program the computer.

Prabhupāda: So what is their credit? If you simply copy something, that is not credit. The credit should go to the original.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: The scientists admit that there is nothing new that they can make. Everything is the manipulation of the laws of nature.

Prabhupāda: Then the thing is that as they are individual person trying to do something wonderful, the individual person who has already done all this wonderful, how much credit He deserves. If by simply copying you want to take so much credit that you will defy the existence of God, you are so fool, rascal, then how much credit should be given to the original person who has made all these things existing. What is their answer?

Ātreya Ṛṣi: They simply don't care.

Devotee (1): Like that man said last night, "We will do it."

Prabhupāda: You will do, that's all right, you will do it, but it is already there. What is your credit, you will do it? It is already there, then what is your credit?

Ātreya Ṛṣi: They choose to ignore it.

Prabhupāda: Even if you do that, the already one who has done it, why don't you give Him credit?

Devotee (1): Yeah, instead of being envious.

Prabhupāda: Tān ahaṁ dviṣataḥ krūrān BG 16.19 , they are envious, rascal. Envious means rascal. That is material quality. And spiritual quality means to praise good quality. "Oh, you are so nice, you have got so good quality." That is spiritual. And enviousness, "Oh, this man is surpassing me. All right, I..."

Devotee (1): Cut him down.

Prabhupāda: That's right. This is material. Matsaratā. This is explained in Bhāgavata as matsaratā. Paramo nirmatsarāṇāṁ satāṁ vāstavaḥ vastu vedyam atra SB 1.1.2 .

Devotee (1): Last night you said that that man's claim was like a poor man saying, "Yes, I'll become a millionaire."

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Devotee (1): "Someday I'll become a millionaire."

Prabhupāda: And he wants the respect of a millionaire immediately, with future tense. Just see. "You give me the respect of a millionaire. I shall become in future a millionaire." What is this nonsense? First of all you become millionaire, then ask the respect. They want the credit beforehand. Trust no future, however pleasant. Why shall I believe you?

Devotee (1): There's a lake over there. There's a pond, we can walk down there.

Prabhupāda: Oh, bridge we are not going to cross? All right.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Every time they find something new they should be glorifying Krsna.

Prabhupāda: Yes. That is Krsna consciousness.

Devotee (2): (aside) What's in there?

Devotee (1): Peaches.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: It's all there.

Devotee (1): These are all peach trees.

Prabhupāda: Oh. You have made this nice park, but with the help of God, who has created all these trees. You cannot do that. This means that you try to help or cooperate with God, then your credit is all right. Just like God has created this tree, and you are cooperating to make it nicely trimmed, make this path, this is cooperation. You take this much credit. But the first credit given to God, who has created this tree.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Does this remind you of Vṛndāvana, Prabhupāda?

Prabhupāda: Hm?

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Is this like Vṛndāvana?

Prabhupāda: Vṛndāvana is different. This is man-made.

Devotee (2): Is this like Dvārakā, when Krsna was living in Dvārakā, they had...

Prabhupāda: Yes, Dvārakā, yes. Vṛndāvana trees are all full of fruits and flowers. These are for fuel, these trees.

Devotee (1): For fuel.

Prabhupāda: That's all. For burning. There is no fruits and flowers. [break]

Devotee (1): ...come on shore and get drunk and make trouble. They have their own police.

Prabhupāda: Military has their own police.

Devotee (1): Yeah.

Prabhupāda: They are so pious and advanced in civilization, the students require police. The dean has publicly requested police, and still they are very much proud of advancement.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: The police steals too.

Prabhupāda: Yes.

Devotee (1): Especially in New York.

Prabhupāda: And police also requires another police. Harāv abhaktasya kuto mahad-guṇā SB 5.18.12.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: All these Indians coming to this country to benefit, maybe we should go to India to take care of Vṛndāvana and all these other lands.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Therefore, this movement is there.

Ātreya Ṛṣi: Will we be someday in charge of those?

Prabhupāda: Oh yes, we are already in charge. You simply take charge. Your appointment is already there; simply go and take charge over.

Devotee (1): No one else can even dispute it.

Prabhupāda: Yes. (end)

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