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761223 - Letter to Alanatha written from Bombay

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My Dear Alanatha,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil along with two copies of the second volume of the Portuguese Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is very nice.

You write to say that the reception is very good in Brazil. So now organize very nicely. Distribute literature to the fullest extent. Thank you for inviting me to come. I shall maintain this ambition. At the first opportunity I shall go. For now I will depend 99% on you to push on there.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the devotees you have recommended for initiation. Now hold a fire yajna. Instruct the first initiates to always chant a minimum of sixteen rounds daily and to follow strictly the four regulative principles. Hrdayananda Maharaja may chant on their beads. Their names are as follow: Kiko—Kirticandra dasa; Mozart—Murari Gupta dasa; Francisco—Vasistha Muni dasa; Paulo—Paramahamsa dasa; Leandro—Lilananda dasa; Tercio—Trilocana dasa; Claudio—Karana karana dasa; Eneas—Isvara dasa; Regina—Rasavihari dasi; Christina—Krsnanandini dasi; Marta—Matsya dasi; Ivonette—Indumati dasi; Dora—Dev dasi; Maria—Murti dasi. For the second initiates, namely Ugraha dasa, Sadhyasrestha dasa, Ananda Murti dasi and Yogini dasi, you should play for them into the right ear the tape of me chanting Gayatri. Teach them how to count on the finger divisions.

Regarding the installation of Lord Ramacandra, it is a very good idea. For obtaining these Deities you can take the help of Saurabha. During the festival you are invited to come to Bombay to see the Deities here.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Template:LE Footer