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761107 - Letter to Bhagavan written from Vrndavana

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My dear Bhagavan dasa,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 28/10/76.

I have received the books you have sent. They are very nicely done. Thank you. But, I did not receive the BTG yet.

Yes, let Haya haya go to Spain and work very carefully. When it is established I shall go there. It is very good news that we are opening a center in Greece. I have been to Zurich. It is a very clean city. Develop it nicely. Many important persons who were very interested in our movement came to see me when I was in Geneva. All the news of these centers is very encouraging. May Krsna bless you that you always remain fully engaged in His service. Also, it is nice that you are holding two feasts each week in Rome. On my next tour I must go there.

When people are enlightened they take this movement seriously. We are given to understand that formerly in Europe only the French people were enlightened. Therefore it is to be expected that many people in Paris will join us. Regarding Rathayatra, you can change the date according to a suitable time. You may hold it in Paris whenever it is the best time. It will attract many persons. Please do it.

Have there been rains at New Mayapur? There should at least be rains in our area. Yes, increase the flowers. You have got sufficient space. Produce flowers, fruits, vegetables and grains in ample quantities. We should be fully self-sufficient. I like New Mayapur very much.

Yes, if Harikesa can go to Thailand that is alright. He can manage nicely.

Upon your recommendation I am pleased to accept the following devotees for initiation (first) as well as those you have recommended for second initiation. Hold a fire ceremony and instruct the new initiates to follow rigidly the regulative principles and chant minimum 16 rounds daily avoiding the ten offenses. You may chant on their beads. Play the tape of me chanting gayatri mantra into the right ear of the second initiations. The new names are:

Bhakta Phillipe—Prana-dhana Dasa

Bhakta Christian—Caitanya-Nitai Dasa

Bhakta Houle—Harivamsa Dasa

Bhakta Pierro—Purusottama Dasa

Bhakta Gianne—Gandharva Dasa

Bhaktin Monique—Manavi Dasi

I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter to Ramesvara. Consult with him in the matter and do the needful.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. Everyone has praised the Krsna Book.

enclosures: 13 sacred threads, gayatri mantra sheet, cc of letter to Ramesvara

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