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751114 - Letter to Bhagavan written from Bombay

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My dear Bhagavan das,

Please accept my blessings. I am un due receipt of your letter dated October 23, 1975 together with enclosures. So far your misunderstanding with Hamsaduta is concerned, it is not substantial. But in the presence of all GBC, the matter should be settled though. Don't worry. I have received the weekly cash reports. It is very good that you have the same treasury system and reporting system in all your temples. This is wanted. Please keep the accounts very correctly so that we may remain always above suspicion. I am glad that you now have 20 devotees in Geneva. This is very encouraging. Try to train them up and gradually leave the matters to be managed by them, in the hands of the Swiss devotees. When I started this movement, I wanted to bring some men from India. The problem was that in India the men who joined the Gaudiya Math mission were not very educated. So I declined to bring them in the Western countries and by the grace of Krsna I was able to train the local men. And thus gradually, things became successful. The Western people, they are Aryans and ksatriyas in their origin, but due to bad association with the aborigines, they have taken all bad habits and become degenerated. Now we have to revive this Aryan civilization and rectify things. If we do it nicely, then all the Western people will be happy and they will glorify Lord Caitanya. This is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's prediction, "When they will take this Vedic culture, they will applaude Me. So our mission should be how to have Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu applauded all over the world. His statement is param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. That statement will be fulfilled. That we want to see. It is very good that the new house in Geneva temple was former German Embassy. It is a very good honor that the people voted in favor of giving us the lease. Is this new place near to the river?

Regarding Rome, that is very good that you have 50 devotees. Are they all Italian? Yes, that is nice that you are looking for a new building in Rome. Rome is a crowded city. We must have there a very big building. The climate there is also nice. It is always sunny. In Rome I have seen many houses exactly like Indian houses. Also in Paris I have seen this. I have received the Italian new literatures and they are very, very nice. Thank you very much.

Regarding Spain, yes, don't risk anything. You've got sufficient engagement in the other European cities. Do everything slow but sure. The new French Back to Godhead is very nice. Amsterdam temple has also grown to 55 devotees. This is a credit, not that the temple should be a place simply for good residence. It should be a place where there is constant activity in Krsna's service. The Westerners have good brains, but they do not have any good leader. Now the Krsna consciousness movement will provide them with good leader if they take it seriously. Regarding the contract with the incense manufacturer, don't supply them if they do not pay. That is very good to separate the Spiritual Sky business from the temple.

Regarding Paris, the house there in the city must be kept very nicely. It is a very nice house. I always remember my quarters there. Also the Parisian people are very intelligent. So you are selling 100 French Bhagavad-gita's per day at $12 per book. That's $1,200 per day. This is no joke. That means there is very good reception. When are you going to print the next edition? Yes, try to place the books in stores and libraries. Are you liquidating your debts for the farm? You borrowed money on the farm. Are you repaying the loan? It is very good that the farm will be providing foodstuffs for both the farm and the temple in Paris. That is wanted. The farm program should be: grow your own food, produce your own milk, cloth and everything and chant Hare Krsna. It is good that you are repairing the buildings. They are dilapidated, but they can be repaired very nicely.

So your book distribution is very good. I think our books will never keep us in a poverty-stricken condition. This is the blessings of His Divine Grace Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada. He is very pleased that you are distributing so many books. The American program for distributing books is very successful in this connection. So you collected $20,000 in one week. Now you are a rich man. We are also constructing the Bombay temple and the work has begun and if you so desire, you can send some contribution. Also we now have got Hindi and Gujarati publications. Do you require any for the Indians there? Now you are going to print the small Bhagavad-gita. One thing is if the people will get the small Bhagavad-gita at the cheap price, then will they want to purchase the bigger one? Will that be good? How will you distribute the bigger ones at the more expensive price when there is the cheaper one also available?

Your program in the schools, that is very nice. That is your success, that even the unruly students were well-disciplined. Dhiradhira-jana-priyau priyakarau nirmatsarau pujitau. "I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvamis, who are always engaged in chanting the holy name of Krsna and dancing. They are just like the ocean of love of God, and they are popular both with the gentle and with the ruffians because they are not envious of anyone.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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