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721228 - Letter to Ksirodakasayi written from Bombay

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My Dear Ksirodakasayi,

Please accept my blessings. Since long time I have not heard from you, neither you replied my letter to you from Vrindaban last. I enquired from you about one month ago in that letter what is the position with yourself there in London? And I wanted to know where is that Gift Deed for the Saraf land in Raman Reti, whether it is with you. You told Gurudasa that it is in some trunk in Vrindaban, but we have opened and it is not there. So if you have got it, kindly send it to me at once. Now we have made good progress there in the construction work, but I want to keep that deed with me.

I have heard that you are collecting some money for the Vrindaban work, but how you are doing that and where is that money and how much you have collected? What you are doing there in London? You wanted to open one Iskcon branch in your home, but I could not allow it as official branch. But I encouraged you to hold arati, class, and invite your friends, sell our books, like that, not that you should become silent and go away. I wanted that you should attend regularly with your nice family to our Bury Place Temple, preach sometimes there to the guests, and give our young boys your encouragement and experienced advice. But I have heard that you are not attending, so I am puzzled what you are doing now?

Hoping this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Template:LE Footer