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720304 - Letter to Ksirodakasayi written from Calcutta

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My dear Ksirodakasayi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters dated 14th and 26th February, 1972, and I had very much hoped to meet you in Mayapur to chalk out a programme for press work in future. But anyway I think I shall be coming to Delhi very soon to settle up our business in Vrindaban in two respects. First, concerning the Saraf land, I want to sign the documents before going to Bombay within a few days from now, and if there is possibility to lay down the corner-stone there I can also do that before leaving from India. This will please me very much and give me great relief to know that we have done something solid in Vrindaban before I leave, and the credit is yours. So I am entrusting that you can arrange everything very nicely about getting the deed prepared for the Saraf land, and you may also prepare one nice foundation-stone and we shall hold a public ceremony and lay the foundation stone. Second thing is, it appears that Madan Mohan Goswami has changed his heart and become favorable to give us the downstairs veranda and some rooms upstairs above my rooms in the Radha-Damodara Temple, so for that I expect to come to Vrindaban from Calcutta as soon as I am informed by Subala Maharaja and your good self, on my way to Bombay for our pandal program there in Juhu. So kindly go to Vrindaban immediately and make all arrangements for the legal documents and cornerstone laying-down, and if Subala needs assistance you may help him also, but one thing is I want to come there immediately, so go immediately to Vrindaban and send me cable when I shall come there. I must leave Calcutta no later than the 8th latest.

Regarding printing of Hindi BTG, we shall see when we meet there. But I think there is no need to print further for the time being until we develop program for our distribution. Now we have got thousands of unsold magazines, so what is the point of printing more? I think because Brahmananda is now here in India to manage things you may consult with him how to do everything in the best manner possible.

Hoping this will meet you in good heath.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Template:LE Footer