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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


uḍiyā-deśe ‘satyabhāmā-pura’-nāme grāma
eka rātri sei grāme karilā viśrāma


uḍiyā-deśe—in the state of Orissa; satyabhāmā-pura—Satyabhāmā-pura; nāme—named; grāma—a village; eka rātri—one night; sei grāme—in that village; karilā viśrāma—he rested.


In the province of Orissa there is a place known as Satyabhāmā-pura. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī rested for a night in that village on his way to Jagannātha Purī.


There is a place known as Satyabhāmā-pura in the district of Kaṭaka (Cuttak), in Orissa. It is near the village known as Jānkādei-pura.

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