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CC Madhya 21.69

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


dekhi’ caturmukha brahmā phāṅpara ha-ilā
hasti-gaṇa-madhye yena śaśaka rahilā


dekhi’—seeing; catur-mukha brahmā—the four-faced Lord Brahmā of this universe; phāṅpara ha-ilā—became bewildered; hasti-gaṇa-madhye—in the midst of many elephants; yena—like; śaśaka—a rabbit; rahilā—remained.


“When the four-headed Brahmā of this universe saw all these opulences of Kṛṣṇa, he became very much bewildered and considered himself a rabbit among many elephants.

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