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CC Madhya 16.122

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 122

naukāte caḍiyā prabhu haila nadī pāra
jyotsnāvatī rātrye cali’ āilā caturdvāra


naukāte caḍiyā—getting on the boat; prabhu—Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; haila—was; nadī pāra—across the river; jyotsnāvatī—lighted by the full moon; rātrye—in the night; cali’—walking; āilā—came; caturdvāra—to Caturdvāra.


The Lord then got into a new boat and crossed the river. Walking in the full moonlight, He finally reached the town known as Caturdvāra.

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