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CC Madhya 16.91

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


gauḍa-deśa diyā yāba tāṅ-sabā dekhiyā
tumi duṅhe ājñā deha’ parasanna hañā


gauḍa-deśa—the country known as Bengal; diyā—through; yāba—I shall go; tāṅ-sabā—both of them; dekhiyā—seeing; tumi duṅhe—both of you; ājñā deha’—give Me permission; parasanna hañā—being very pleased.


“I shall go to Vṛndāvana through Bengal and see both My mother and the river Ganges. Now would you two be pleased to give Me permission?”

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