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CC Madhya 16.1

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


gauḍodyānaṁ gaura-meghaḥ
siñcan svālokanāmṛtaiḥ
vīrudhaḥ samajīvayat


gauḍa-udyānam—upon the garden known as Gauḍa-deśa; gaura-meghaḥ—the cloud known as Gaura; siñcan—pouring water; sva—His own; ālokana-amṛtaiḥ—with the nectar of the glance; bhava-agni—by the blazing fire of material existence; dagdha—having been burnt; janatā—the people in general; vīrudhaḥ—who are like creepers and plants; samajīvayat—revived.


By the nectar of His personal glance, the cloud known as Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu poured water upon the garden of Gauḍa-deśa and revived the people, who were like creepers and plants burning in the forest fire of material existence.

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