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CC Antya 6.261

Revision as of 10:14, 10 October 2021 by LilamadhuriGopi (talk | contribs)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 261

ebe ghara yāha, yabe āmi saba calimu
tabe tomā sabākāre saṅge lañā yāmu


ebe—now; ghara yāha—go home; yabe—when; āmi—we; saba—all; calimu—will go; tabe—then; tomā sabākāre—all of you; saṅge—with; lañā—taking; yāmu—I shall go.


"Now go home. When all of us go, I shall take all of you with me."