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SB 9.2.27

Revision as of 08:40, 1 December 2017 by Vanibot (talk | contribs) (Vanibot #0018 edit: make synonym terms in Sanskrit italic in SB - Vanisource)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


maruttasya yathā yajño
na tathānyo 'sti kaścana
sarvaṁ hiraṇmayaṁ tv āsīd
yat kiñcic cāsya śobhanam


maruttasya—of Marutta; yathā—as; yajñaḥ—performance of sacrifice; na—not; tathā—like that; anyaḥ—any other; asti—there is; kaścana—anything; sarvam—everything; hiraṇ-mayam—made of gold; tu—indeed; āsīt—there was; yat kiñcit—whatever he had; ca—and; asya—of Marutta; śobhanam—extremely beautiful.


The sacrificial paraphernalia of King Marutta was extremely beautiful, for everything was made of gold. Indeed, no other sacrifice could compare to his.

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