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SB 8.24.33

Revision as of 10:42, 5 July 2021 by Soham (talk | contribs)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


tri-lokyāṁ līyamānāyāṁ
saṁvartāmbhasi vai tadā
upasthāsyati nauḥ kācid
viśālā tvāṁ mayeritā


tri-lokyām—the three lokas; līyamānāyām—upon being merged; saṁvarta-ambhasi—in the water of destruction; vai—indeed; tadā—at that time; upasthāsyati—will appear; nauḥ—boat; kācit—one; viśālā—very big; tvām—unto you; mayā—by Me; īritā—sent.


When all the three worlds merge into the water, a large boat sent by Me will appear before you.

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