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SB 8.10.47

Revision as of 07:03, 1 December 2017 by Vanibot (talk | contribs) (Vanibot #0018 edit: make synonym terms in Sanskrit italic in SB - Vanisource)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


mahoragāḥ samutpetur
dandaśūkāḥ savṛścikāḥ
siṁha-vyāghra-varāhāś ca
mardayanto mahā-gajāḥ


mahā-uragāḥ—big serpents; samutpetuḥ—fell upon them; dandaśūkāḥ—other poisonous animals and insects; sa-vṛścikāḥ—with scorpions; siṁha—lions; vyāghra—tigers; varāhāḥ ca—and forest boars; mardayantaḥ—smashing; mahā-gajāḥ—great elephants.


Scorpions, large snakes and many other poisonous animals, as well as lions, tigers, boars and great elephants, all began falling upon the demigod soldiers, crushing everything.

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