SB 12.12.18
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
- tvāṣṭrasya janma-nidhanaṁ
- putrayoś ca diter dvijāḥ
- daityeśvarasya caritaṁ
- prahrādasya mahātmanaḥ
tvāṣṭrasya—of the son of Tvaṣṭā (Vṛtra); janma-nidhanam—the birth and death; putrayoḥ—of the two sons, Hiraṇyākṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu; ca—and; diteḥ—of Diti; dvijāḥ—O brāhmaṇas; daitya-īśvarasya—of the greatest of the Daityas; caritam—the history; prahrādasya—of Prahlāda; mahā-ātmanaḥ—the great soul.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
O brāhmaṇas, also recounted are the births and deaths of Vṛtrāsura and of Diti's sons Hiraṇyākṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu, as well as the history of the greatest of Diti's descendants, the exalted soul Prahlāda.