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SB 10.18.6

Revision as of 12:57, 1 December 2017 by Vanibot (talk | contribs) (Vanibot #0018 edit: make synonym terms in Sanskrit italic in SB - Vanisource)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda


dravat-purīṣyāḥ pulinaiḥ samantataḥ
na yatra caṇḍāṁśu-karā viṣolbaṇā
bhuvo rasaṁ śādvalitaṁ ca gṛhṇate


agādha—very deep; toya—whose water; hradinī—of the rivers; taṭa—upon the shores; ūrmibhiḥ—by the waves; dravat—liquefied; purīṣyāḥ—whose mud; pulinaiḥ—by the sandy banks; samantataḥ—on all sides; na—not; yatra—upon which; caṇḍa—of the sun; aṁśu-karāḥ—the rays; viṣa—like poison; ulbaṇāḥ—fierce; bhuvaḥ—of the earth; rasam—the juice; śādvalitam—the greenness; ca—and; gṛhṇate—take away.

Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda


With their flowing waves the deep rivers drenched their banks, making them damp and muddy. Thus the rays of the sun, which were as fierce as poison, could not evaporate the earth's sap or parch its green grass.

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