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CC Madhya 16.123

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 123

rātrye tathā rahi’ prāte snāna-kṛtya kaila
hena-kāle jagannāthera mahā-prasāda āila


rātrye—on that night; tathā rahi’—staying there; prāte—in the morning; snāna-kṛtya kaila—took His bath; hena-kāle—at that time; jagannāthera—of Lord Jagannātha; mahā-prasāda āila—remnants of food arrived.


The Lord spent the night there and in the morning took His bath. At that time, remnants of Lord Jagannātha’s food arrived.

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