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CC Madhya 16.36

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


sākṣi-gopālera kathā kahe nityānanda
śuniyā vaiṣṇava-mane bāḍila ānanda


sākṣi-gopālera—of the Deity known as Sākṣi-gopāla; kathā—the narration; kahe—describes; nityānanda—Nityānanda Prabhu; śuniyā—hearing; vaiṣṇava-mane—in the minds of all the Vaiṣṇavas; bāḍila—increased; ānanda—the transcendental bliss.


When Nityānanda Prabhu described all the activities of Sākṣi-gopāla, transcendental bliss increased in the minds of all the Vaiṣṇavas.


For these activities refer to Madhya-līlā, Chapter Five, verses 8-138.

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