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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


kṣaṇeke aśru muchiyā śūnya dekhi’ pāta
svapana dekhiluṅ, ‘yena nimāñi khāila bhāta’


kṣaṇeke—in a moment; aśru—tears; muchiyā—wiping; śūnya—vacant; dekhi’—seeing; pāta—the plate; svapana dekhiluṅ—I saw a dream; yena—as if; nimāñi—Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu; khāila bhāta—ate the food.


“‘In a moment, after you had wiped your eyes, you saw that the plate you had offered Me was empty. Then you thought, “I dreamt as if Nimāi were eating everything.”

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