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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


sākṣāt-darśana, āra yogya-bhakta-jīve
’āveśa’ karaye kāhāṅ, kāhāṅ ‘āvirbhāve’


sākṣāt-darśana—direct meeting; āra—and; yogya-bhakta—perfect devotee; jīve—living beings; āveśa karaye—empowers with specific spiritual potencies; kāhāṅ—somewhere; kāhāṅ—in other places; āvirbhāve—by appearing Himself.


The Lord delivered the fallen souls in some places by meeting them directly, in other places by empowering a pure devotee, and in still other places by appearing before someone Himself.

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