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CC Madhya 22.6

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


śrutir mātā pṛṣṭā diśati bhavad-ārādhana-vidhiṁ
yathā mātur vāṇī smṛtir api tathā vakti bhaginī
purāṇādyā ye vā sahaja-nivahās te tad-anugā
ataḥ satyaṁ jñātaṁ mura-hara bhavān eva śaraṇam


śrutiḥ—Vedic knowledge; mātā—like a mother who is affectionate to her children; pṛṣṭā—when questioned; diśati—she directs; bhavat—of You; ārādhana—worship; vidhim—the process; yathā—just as; mātuḥ vāṇī—the instructions of the mother; smṛtiḥ—the smṛti-śāstras, which explain the Vedic literatures; api—also; tathā—similarly; vakti—express; bhaginī—like a sister; purāṇa-ādyāḥ—headed by the Purāṇas; ye—which; vā—or; sahaja-nivahāḥ—like brothers; te—all of them; tat—of the mother; anugāḥ—followers; ataḥ—therefore; satyam—the truth; jñātam—known; mura-hara—O killer of the demon Mura; bhavān—Your Lordship; eva—only; śaraṇam—the shelter.


“‘When the mother Vedas [śruti] is questioned as to whom to worship, she says that You are the only Lord and worshipable object. Similarly, the corollaries of the śruti-śāstras, the smṛti-śāstras, give the same instructions, just like sisters. The Purāṇas, which are like brothers, follow in the footsteps of their mother. O enemy of the demon Mura, the conclusion is that You are the only shelter. Now I have understood this in truth.’


This quotation from the Vedic literature was spoken to the Lord by great sages.

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