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CC Madhya 12.48

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


rājāra milane bhikṣukera dui loka nāśa
paraloka rahu, loke kare upahāsa


rājāra milane—by meeting with a king; bhikṣukera—of the mendicant; dui loka—in two worlds; nāśa—destruction; para-loka—spiritual world; rahu—let alone; loke—in this material world; kare—do; upahāsa—joking.


“If a mendicant meets a king, this world and the next world are both destroyed for the mendicant. Indeed, what is there to say of the next world? In this world, people will joke if a sannyāsī meets a king.”

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