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CC Adi 10.31

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


dāmodara-paṇḍita śākhā premete pracaṇḍa
prabhura upare yeṅho kaila vākya-daṇḍa


dāmodara-paṇḍita—Dāmodara Paṇḍita; śākhā—another branch (the tenth branch); premete—in affection; pracaṇḍa—very advanced; prabhura—the Lord; upare—upon; yeṅho—he who; kaila—did; vākya-daṇḍa—chastisement by speaking.


Dāmodara Paṇḍita, the tenth branch of the Caitanya tree, was so elevated in love of Lord Caitanya that he once unhesitatingly chastised the Lord with strong words.

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