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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


pañcama puruṣārtha—premānandāmṛta-sindhu
mokṣādi ānanda yāra nahe eka bindu


pañcama—fifth; puruṣa-artha—goal of life; prema-ānanda—the spiritual bliss of love of Godhead; amṛta—eternal; sindhu—ocean; mokṣa-ādi—liberation and other principles of religiosity; ānanda—pleasures derived from them; yāra—whose; nahe—never comparable; eka—one; bindu—drop.


“‘For a devotee who has actually developed bhāva, the pleasure derived from dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa appears like a drop in the presence of the sea.

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