SB 11.28.13
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
arthe hy avidyamāne 'pi
saṁsṛtir na nivartate
dhyāyato viṣayān asya
svapne 'narthāgamo yathā
arthe—real cause; hi—certainly; avidyamāne—not existing; api—although; saṁsṛtiḥ—the material existential condition; na—not; nivartate—does cease; dhyāyataḥ—contemplating; viṣayān—objects of the senses; asya—of the living entity; svapne—in a dream; anartha—of disadvantages; āgamaḥ—arrival; yathā—like.
Actually, the living entity is transcendental to material existence. But because of his mentality of lording it over material nature, his material existential condition does not cease, and, just as in a dream, he is affected by all sorts of disadvantages.
This same verse and other very similar verses occur elsewhere in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam: Third Canto, Chapter twenty-seven, verse 4; Fourth Canto, Chapter twenty-nine, verses 35 and 73; and Eleventh Canto, Chapter twenty-two, verse 56. In fact, this verse completely explains the essence of illusion.