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CC Madhya 19.14 (1975)

Revision as of 04:42, 16 March 2019 by Vanibot (talk | contribs) (Vanibot #0027: CCMirror - Mirror CC's 1996 edition to form a basis for 1975)
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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Below is the 1996 edition text, ready to be substituted with the 1975 one using the compile form.


kona mate rājā yadi more kruddha haya
tabe avyāhati haya, kariluṅ niścaya


kona mate—somehow or other; rājā—the Nawab; yadi—if; more—upon me; kruddha haya—becomes angry; tabe—then; avyāhati—escape; haya—there is; kariluṅ niścaya—I have decided.


“If the Nawab somehow or other becomes angry with me, I shall be greatly relieved. That is my conclusion.”