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SB 10.39.39

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


tatropaspṛśya pānīyaṁ
pītvā mṛṣṭaṁ maṇi-prabham
vṛkṣa-ṣaṇḍam upavrajya
sa-rāmo ratham āviśat


tatra—there; upaspṛśya—touching the water; pānīyam—in His hand; pītvā—drinking; mṛṣṭam—sweet; maṇi—like jewels; prabham—effulgent; vṛkṣa—of trees; ṣaṇḍam—a grove; upavrajya—moving up to; sa-rāmaḥ—with Balarāma; ratham—the chariot; āviśat—He mounted.


The river's sweet water was more effulgent than brilliant jewels. After Lord Kṛṣṇa had touched it for purification, He drank some from His hand. Then He had the chariot moved near a grove of trees and climbed back on, along with Balarāma.

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